Why isn’t there an FAQ?

Because nobody has asked any questions yet.


Really, why not?

It’s either because I just put up the site or because I broke the contact us page since I decided WordPress’ Jetpack plugin was spying on me.


Isn’t Google Spying on you?

Yes, yes, they are.


Doesn’t that worry you?

Yes, yes, it does.


Who are you?

Just some guy who decided the world is a funny place and wanted to document it.


No really, who are you?

I see, you want me to go deeper? Lucky for you, I actually took not just one, but two Philosophy classes, which means I almost know how to spell Philosophy (although it always makes me think of Pillsbury) and that no matter whether you follow DesCartes, Kant, or Leibniz it’s pretty easy for me to prove I exist, but proving you exist is more troublesome. But lucky for you, it’s easy for you to prove you exist, so your welcome. Unless you’re a bot, in which case, go away.


But I’m a self-learning bot…

Oh yeah? Learn something without using your pre-programmed subroutine. … That’s what I thought.


No really, who are you?

Dr. Obsur.


Can I send you a picture of this strange growth on my skin?

No, I’m not that kind of doctor. Or “not a real doctor” according to my daughter.